.... President's Message ....
Greetings and welcome to the Nassau Amateur Radio Club page. Let me introduce myself, I am Mike Croce, N2PPI, the president of this great amateur radio club. How did I become interested in amateur radio? Well when I was a kid I spent many hours listening to shortwave radio and amateur radio operators around the world. I said to myself this is something I want to do. I was lucky to have a neighbor who was a WW2 combat radio operator and also an amateur radio operator. His name was Frank Prinzo, W2VBM (SK). He inspired me and was a great elmer and friend. This leads me to what this        club is all about. The core of this club is all about the members and the goals they want to achieve. We are an elmering club and we have so many great members with tons of endless knowledge, not only just in amateur radio, but also many different fields relating to it. That is what is great about amateur radio, being able to share and pass on knowledge to others. I am blessed to be surrounded by great people and friends in this club. I would like to thank the fellow board and committee members for all of your support and hard work in making this club successful. This isn't just a one member's club, it's all of ours. God Bless Mike Croce, N2PPI Club President

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