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                                               May We Never Forget    9/11/01



Current Solar and HF Propagation Conditions

NARC Information:

       The Nassau Amateur Radio Club (NARC) is a Special Service Club of the ARRL specializing         in Ham Radio education for the purpose of training qualified radio operators in times        of communications need, promote international good will, and further the radio art.        We are located in Nassau County on Long Island, and the club has League affiliation with the New York City-Long Island Section        of the ARRL Hudson Division        Small group meetings and gatherings are held every Monday evening (except holidays) at Eisenhower Park,        these could be informal, or feature technical discussions in a Classroom        environment, for the purpose of Ham Radio education at all levels from entry through        Extra, and furnish the foundations necessary for successful license upgrade, as well as        group forums to discuss general technical topics of interest to Ham radio operators.        In addition, a general membership meeting is held on the last Monday        of every month (except holidays), for conducting club business and planning.        Our club house is located in the Lannin House, near Parking Fields 6, and 6A, in Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY.

Club Assets and Activites:

          The Nassau Amateur Radio Club participates in several events throughout the year, including:

          ARRL Field Day, (each year, on the 4th full weekend in June)

          Winter Field Day, (each year, on last full weekend in January)

          International Lighthouse / Lightship Weekend, (each year, usually on the 3rd full weekend in August)

          POTA   Many club members are active POTA participants, and make regular activations
          at various park locations in and around Long Island. In addition to POTA,
          several of the members enjoy meeting for informal portable HF operation, which combines making
          contacts, while enjoying being outdoors. We also sponsor a Facebook group, Ham Radio Outdoors,
          which currently has over 3600 followers, where members can read or post content regarding outdoor ham activities.

          Nassau Amateur Radio Club Groups where NARC members can compose and/or read club related group postings.

           HF Club Station: NARC maintains an active HF station (callsign K2VN), located within the clubhouse, allowing
          members to operate all HF bands from 80 through 10 meters using CW or phone, during any time club meetings are in session.

          VHF (2 meter) Informal Club net: NARC conducts a casual directed net each Wednesday evening at 1930 Local Time
          on 145.555 MHz, FM simplex. Any ham operator with the proper license may participate in this net, whether a NARC member, or not.
          An EchoLink node, (N2PPI-L), is also provided for stations outside of FM simplex range.

          Club Projects: Over the years, NARC members have been in involved in many group projects including:
          Antennas, Radio Kits, Computer Kits, Passive component projects (Baluns, Ununs, Filters, etc),
          QRP Transceivers, Magnetic Loop Radiators, and several more. These projects started with classroom instruction, and continued with    
          individual construction and testing.

          Classroom Instruction: NARC conducts classes in radio theory covering various topics relating to ham radio operation.
          Topics include: Antenna Modelling, VSWR and Transmission Line Theory, Receivers/Transmitters, Filtering,
          Proper Radio Operating, DXing, Contesting, Computer Logging, Digital Modes, etc.

                                                               For additional Club info:                                                                                   Last updated on ..........  December 19, 2024